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Egg Pie!

4 eggs
1 tomato
Handful of spinach
1/2 cup of Feta Cheese
S&P to taste
Salsa for toppping
heat medium sized pan on medium heat. Add Extra Virgin Olive oil to pan. Cut tomato in slivers. Beat eggs in bowl. Add all other ingredients. pour mixture into pan. reduce heat to medium low. Cook until golden on bottom. Then flip and cook about 1 minute. Do not over cook or the eggs will be dry and tasteless. Serve with your favorite salsa!! Makes 2 servings.


Into the Sea, You and Me

i wanted a new blog look!

i am undecided on the aesthetics so please enjoy this ladder to your right for an undetermined amount of time!!

Roll Bounce Dork

The movie was super awesome rad. I love the song the little dudes do their ultimate skate off to. Sorry Kool and the Gang but Jamiroquai looks super awesomely dorky singing his version of Hollywood Swinging.  Ha!


Family Portrait?


Could I be wearing anymore clothes?

Summer Solstice!!! Happy first day of summer. It's officially warm time and the layers can peel away to show your white pasty skin! So wax that jungle, shave those legs, do some sit ups, slap on a bikini and a floppy hat and run to the beach or margarita happy hour, cus its summer, summer, summer tiiiiime!